An interpretive historic outdoor landscape, evoking the historical heyday of international commerce at the end of the Erie Canal.Project image 1 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

Project image 2 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

Project image 3 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

Project image 4 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

Project image 5 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

Project image 6 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

Project image 7 for Erie Commercial Slip, Empire State Development Corporation

This project is as important as the spot where the Golden Spike joined the transcontinental railroad. Even if only one stone was left, the project would be warranted because you’re standing on hallowed ground … It’s like Ellis Island. This is one of those places that define America.” –Buffalo News. At the end of the Erie Canal, C&G Partners created innovative interpretive elements to evoke the commercial activity of Buffalo’s waterfront and Canal life in its heyday. Sculptural solutions are machined and hand-crafted in distinctive colors, durable stainless steel, glass and cast metal. The elements are juxtaposed with the restored Commercial Slip and warehouses, expressing the District’s past and future. Stories of legendary personalities and common folk are told with hands-on displays and graphics reminiscent of Canal-era broadside posters. Architects: Flynn Battaglia. Landscape Architects: Mathews Nielsen. Historic preservation architects: John Milner Associates.

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