Inspiring economic confidence in the aftermath of war Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to making peace and humanitarian operations more effective, efficient and equitable, resulting in cheaper, faster and more successful missions. C&G Partners was asked by PDT to design and create a tagline for PDT’s Marketplace Project, currently supporting long-term economic recoveries in Afghanistan and Timor-Leste by purchasing goods and services in the countries themselves whenever possible. When the international community buys and hires locally, a substantive part of their operational spending directly enters the local economy and supports private sector development and entrepreneurship, helping to rebuild the country from within. This identity works to inspire confidence in local companies and markets, suggesting an innovative, solid approach to economic development. It should also attract local businesses to participate in the program. The identity needs to function in conflict and post-conflict zones, successfully communicating its message to different cultures and ethnicities.