Orienting millions of visitors every year to remembrance and renewal at Ground Zero.Project Image 4 for World Trade Center Memorial

Project Image 1 for World Trade Center Memorial

Project Image 2 for World Trade Center Memorial

Project Image 3 for World Trade Center Memorial

C&G Partners served on the multi-agency design team for the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, creating wayfinding signs, directional kiosks, and site maps. A place of remembrance & renewal, the 9/11 Memorial Plaza is an 8-acre park aimed at being a contemplative sanctuary composed of white oak trees and manmade waterfalls set within the footprints of the original Twin Towers. In Memorial Plaza, freestanding emissary directional kiosks were designed to relate materially to the site furniture. They boast detailed site and neighborhood maps, designed to orient viewers not only to the Plaza but also to situate them within the surrounding streets and access points.