VA250: The Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission

A Centennial Anniversary Brand for ADC
The One Club for Creativity

Defiantly Lo-Fi
New York Arts Program

Branding the Gift of a Library
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library

The Face of CCL
Center for Curatorial Leadership

Dedication to Discovery
Stavros Niarchos Foundation–David Rockefeller River Campus

The Rockefeller University

Population P
Population Council

Know Your Zone Hurricane Campaign
NYC Emergency Management

Magnifying Research
Society for Pediatric Research

Branding of Arts and Letters
The Teagle Foundation

A Pair of Brands for the Liberal Arts
The Teagle Foundation

Wordmark of Support
Heron Foundation

For Those Who Serve
New York State Restaurant Association

Unearthing an Identity
American Schools of Oriental Research

Framework for Growth
Trellis, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Into the LAByrinth
LAByrinth Theater

Museum of American Finance